Essential Beliefs

The doctrines that Christ Church believes to be essential to Christianity, regardless of one’s denominational affiliation or personal preference, are those doctrines summarized in the document which has come down to us from antiquity called, The Apostles’ Creed.  This statement of essential belief was formulated very early in the history of the Christian Church, indeed shortly after the writings of the New Testament, and though not actually written by the apostles per se, quickly gained near universal acceptance in the churches of Christendom.

The Creed is not Scripture, but in our view, it is a useful summary of those essential doctrines the Scriptures teach concerning God and our salvation.  In fact, the Creed originated in the early church as a pedagogical tool used in preparing new converts to the faith for baptism.

These things the Church has always agreed upon, and to our thinking, for any person to deny any of the cardinal beliefs set forth in The Apostles’ Creed would be paramount to saying that that person was not a Christian, as that term has been understood historically.

Please click on the link below to view the text of the Creed as used at Christ Church: